Native Cloud Governance vs. Hybrid Cloud Governance

May 25, 2022

It’s safe to say that cloud governance is becoming an increasingly hot topic in the IT world. With more and more enterprises moving to the cloud, properly governing these environments is integral to ensuring data security and regulatory compliance. But what is the best approach to cloud governance - native or hybrid? In this blog post, we’ll compare the two approaches and see which one comes out on top.

Native Cloud Governance

Native cloud governance refers to governance policies, procedures, and controls that are created specifically for a particular cloud environment. These are unique to each cloud provider and are designed to make the most of the cloud’s built-in features. Native cloud governance typically allows for more granular control over cloud resources.


  • Native cloud governance is highly customizable to the specific cloud provider being used. This can lead to more effective and efficient governance.
  • Native cloud governance takes advantage of the provider’s expertise in security and compliance, which can be beneficial for enterprises who lack internal expertise in these areas.
  • Native cloud governance is typically faster to implement than hybrid cloud governance.


  • Native cloud governance can be complex, especially for enterprises that use multiple cloud providers.
  • Native cloud governance can be inflexible since it’s built for a single cloud environment.
  • Native cloud governance doesn’t work well with hybrid cloud environments.

Hybrid Cloud Governance

Hybrid cloud environments, on the other hand, are made up of both on-premises infrastructure and cloud resources. This brings a unique set of challenges to cloud governance. Hybrid cloud governance policies, procedures, and controls must be designed to work across all environments to ensure consistency and compliance.


  • Hybrid cloud governance is flexible and can work across multiple environments.
  • Hybrid cloud governance allows for a higher degree of control over all resources.
  • Hybrid cloud governance is more customizable than traditional, on-premises governance.


  • Hybrid cloud governance can be complex to implement and maintain, especially for organizations with fewer resources.
  • Hybrid cloud governance can be time-consuming to implement since it requires a lot of coordination across teams.
  • Hybrid cloud governance can be more expensive than native cloud governance.

The Verdict

So, which approach is better - native cloud governance or hybrid cloud governance? The answer is, it depends. Each approach has its pros and cons, and the right approach depends on the specific needs and requirements of the enterprise.

That being said, for enterprises that work primarily within a single cloud environment, native cloud governance is likely the best way to go. But for enterprises with multiple cloud providers or on-premises infrastructure, hybrid cloud governance is the way to go.

Regardless of the approach taken, cloud governance is becoming increasingly important and should not be overlooked.


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